Our time from...
Seattle: -5 hours, +1 day
Midwest: -7 hours, +1 day

Friday, April 8, 2011

Part 3, Bach, Massages, & Beer

After all of the sleeping on the ground, and driving, we decided to splurge and stay in a bach for the remainder of our time on the South Island. Once we arrived we had time to drop our things off, explore the Monkey Wizard Brewery, and pick up some items for dinner.

Our second day we made kayak reservations and booked it to Motueka and hit the water. After we were all tuckered out, we explored the source of the Riwaka. The lady we met at the Brewery the previous day explained that it was a really awesome spot that most tourists don't know about (she also mentions that she takes crystals there to clean them...). Justin, being the adventurous type, jumped into the crystal pool.

The next day, we separated. The girls went to get a massage, and the boys went to March Fest (think October Fest). From the masseuse, Angie was told that she had an "Angelic Prescience" and that she could ask the angels for help at her job. Cool. I was told that I'm too high strung. Nice. After our rub down, we went to pick the boys up from the beer festival. They jumped in the car, and then asked if we would mind, if they exchange the glasses they bought (they were from the previous year, not the current year. Outrage). We waited. When they returned 10 minutes later, they were both wet. And they both had their flies down. Raise your hand if you heart boys. Me too.

Our last day we have plenty of time to make it to the ferry. That's what we thought. Until we look at the map again. The night before we thought it would take 2 hours to get to the ferry, in the morning light, we see that it is 3 hours. We jump in the car and high tail it. No pee stops. Not even one. Furious driving over incredible scenery. Thanks to Aaron's incredible driving, we make it. All in one piece. 

You would think after 12 days of being with another couple we would be glad for our space again. Instead, we just miss them. If they wanted they could move in with us. Nudge. Nudge.

Oh, and you want to know the best part of the entire trip? We are soon going to be called "Uncle Aaron" and "Aunt Barbie"! Angie is pregnant with Sprout Wech! Sprout is due to show up in September. Justin and Angie are going to be terrific parents, and we couldn't be happier.

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